De-Escalation & Active Shooter Course

For Law Enforcement & Security Professionals

Course Overview

Law enforcement and security professionals are at risk of violence from suspects, trespassers, and other individuals. De-escalation and Active Shooter training can help them to use force only when necessary and to de-escalate potentially violent situations.

In today’s unpredictable environment, De-escalation and Active Shooter training is essential for both law enforcement and private security personnel.

Course Philosophy

Tactical52 provides a unique learning experience for professionals in a different settings and industries. Throughout this De-escalation course students will be taught, trained, and evaluated on their learning and acquired de-escalation techniques in a controlled classroom setting. The course will be customized to align with each agency or organizations core competencies and industry.

De-Escalation and Active Shooter Training Benefits

How can De-escalation and Active Shooter Training be Applied in Law Enforcement Scenarios?

Traffic stops: Officers can use De-escalation techniques to calm down agitated drivers, explain procedures clearly, and resolve the situation peacefully.

Mental health calls: De-escalation and Active Shooter training helps officers respond effectively to individuals experiencing mental health crises, minimizing the risk of harm, and ensuring appropriate care is provided.

Protests and demonstrations: By understanding crowd dynamics and employing De-escalation and Active Shooter tactics, officers can maintain order and protect public safety while respecting the right to peaceful assembly.

Enhanced Officer Safety

Reduced Use of Force: De-escalation and Active Shooter techniques equip officers with skills to manage anger, aggression, and potentially volatile situations without resorting to force. This minimizes the risk of injuries for both officers and the public.

Improved Crisis Management: De-escalation and Active Shooter training provides tools for navigating crisis situations effectively, allowing officers to respond calmly and de-escalate situations before they escalate further.

Increased Situational Awareness: By understanding verbal and nonverbal cues, officers can better identify potential threats and take proactive measures to prevent conflicts.

Strengthened Community Relationships

Improved Communication and Trust: De-escalation and Active Shooter training emphasizes active listening, empathy, and non-judgmental communication, fostering better understanding and respect between officers and the public.

Reduced Negative Interactions: By de-escalating conflicts and resolving issues peacefully, officers can build trust and rapport with the community, leading to a more positive and collaborative relationship.

Enhanced Community Policing: De-escalation and Active Shooter training aligns with community policing principles, promoting engagement with citizens, and building partnerships to address community concerns.

Additional Advantages

Reduced Legal Costs: Fewer incidents involving use of force can lead to decreased legal claims and lawsuits against law enforcement agencies.

Improved Officer Well-being: Knowing how to handle challenging situations can reduce stress and burnout for officers, leading to increased job satisfaction and improved mental health.

More Effective Law Enforcement: De-escalation and Active Shooter training helps officers focus on de-escalating situations and resolving issues peacefully, allowing them to dedicate more time to crime prevention and community engagement.

Importance of Training

De-escalation and Active Shooter training is a vital tool for modern law enforcement agencies and private security firms. Using these skills to manage challenging situations creates a safer environment for both officers and the public. It also strengthens community relationships and builds more effective and accountable policing practices.